Jeeagh shiu ayns shoh son fysseree scanshoil.
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Jeeagh shiu ayns shoh son fysseree scanshoil.
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Attainment data 2024.pdfBunscoill_Report_and_end_of_year_assessments_2022_23_PDF_.pdfBunscoill_Report_Sept_2022_.pdfReport for 2018/19End_of_year_report_2017_18.pdf
Bunscoill Ghaelgagh Brochure
Bunscoill Ghaelgagh is a Manx-language primary school in St John's, Isle of Man. It is the only school in the world where children are taught their lessons solely in Manx Gaelic in an immersion setting, which allows children to learn the language fluently. MOOINJER VEGGEY AND BUNSCOIILL GHAELGAGH T…
Anti bullyingE_Safety_Policy .pdfBG_Behaviour_Policy_2023 .pdf Anaphylaxis Department PolicyAnaphylaxis School Policy _Safeguarding_Policy_.pdfadmission_policy.pdf Accessibility_Plan_Bunscoill_Ghaelgagh_copy.pdf
Sheshaght ny Paarentyn SnyP is our parents association who work together to support the school by holding social and fund raising events. There is a committee and anyone is welcome to come to meetings which are usually held on Sunday evenings. Dates for these will be posted on the school notice boa…
Here you can access and print off our two page form enabling you to express an interest in your child starting school with us. By providing just enough information at this early stage, we can get back to you in the January of the year your child would start school in Blein Toshee. Please note, this…
OUR UNIFORM In 2016 we designed a new Bunscoill Ghaelgagh uniform. Our theme was 'Gaelg my vlaa'- Gaelg blossoming and Bnr Blindell re-designed our logo to include fuchsia flowers garlanding Tynwald Hill. Our colour scheme takes inspiration from the colours of the flower; red, purple or green polo…