At Bunscoill Ghaelgagh we recognise the importance of non-cognitive skills in contributing to the development of the whole child. As teachers and learners we regularly highlight and celebrate examples of people being 'Arryltagh as Aarloo', 'Cooinaghtagh as Creeney', 'Sursmooinaghtagh as Frioosagh', 'Brialtagh as Neuchrogheydagh', 'Coobbragh as Caarjyssagh' and 'Aalheimmagh as Loobagh'. These essential life skills are assessed and detailed in the children's annual reports, as well as more traditional curriculum areas. For more information about these skills, see the pamphlet below.


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Aghtyn Ynsagh / How We Learn

The most striking thing about our learning at Bunscoill Ghaelgagh is that the children are becoming bilingual by learning through Manx. There is a growing body of evidence documenting advantages of bilingualism. Within our teaching at the Bunscoill we al…

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