Jelune Jemayrt

word art numbers in Manx
spelling in Gaelg
choose a table to practise laue screeuee-5 new spellings in sentences word art numbers in Manx
laue screeuee
handwriting-sentences with
cur shoh jinnair v'eh maynrey Jea
Feayr ny cheh
5 new spellings and naight choose a graphic novel challenge Doolane graafagh research for famous artists presentation
some artist facts
continue working on presentation
Try drawing like a 9 year old Van Gogh
write an article for the school newspaper Yn_Rollage_eieyn_son_artyn.pdf
troorane- try page 1 of wksheet mixed to improper fractions
rollage-go over errors in 10.30 meeting
kiarkyl try page 1 of worksheet compare and order fractions
troorane-mixed to improper fractions p2
rollage-mixed to improper fractions p1
kiarkyl-comparing and ordering fractions p2
introduction to adding fractions
adding fractions questions-copy into maths book
subtracting fractions questions-copy into maths book

Guardians-play Forest of Fractions and decimals Maths assignments in teams
miniature garden preparation-how to use your circuit? how strong is an egg? plan an investigation
what will you be measuring?
Cho lajer ta ooh?
What about bottle caps?
Try the eggsperiment. How many grams can your 3 eggs support? Bnr Clague's held 4663g without breaking but broke with 4804g. Add your results to the table in Teams. Have you done your eggsperiment yet?
Work on Myngharey if so

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Assignments Fo Ghlass

Jeeagh ayns shoh son obbyr

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