Jelune Jemayrt Jecrean Jerdein Jeheiney
times tables-waldorf flowers blaaghyn_bishee.pdf hand writing-sentences with 5 new spellings, Baarle handwriting , Manx months Meeghyn/Months handwriting, use the words shooyl, seose, dooinney,croo, mygeayrt, fakin
in sentences
Laue screeuee
Write this week's 'naight'. Don't forget to punctuate sentences and try to use past tense of verbs. Catch up session for work not done or comic strip version of a trad tale researching for Springwatch researching and preparing presentation for Springwatch finishing tasting experiments and handing in results
look cover write check and choose 5 new spellings maths - decimals and fractions in Teams from lessons Watch decimal dance off maths-fractions as decimals part 1 traditional numbers
Shenn Earrooyn
maths-think about how fractions relate to percentages and decimals-assignment in Teams Science discuss smell and taste. Come up with a testable question. experiment-taste and smell
Blas as daah
learn new vocabulary for Springwatch presentation Beiyn 'syn Arragh Gaelg ayns uinnagyn
Make an Easter themed poster encouraging safe behaviourTannee Sauchey

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Jeeagh ayns shoh son obbyr

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